Simplifying the Web: How Friends of Peterson Streamlined Their Online World

Friends of Peterson, a nonprofit known for bringing the community together with events like Christmas in Peterson and Gammel Dag, hit a digital wall. Initially, their event websites were set up on Squarespace. It was simple, it worked, but only up to a point. As their events grew and the need for a more comprehensive online presence became clear, the limitations of Squarespace started to show. They needed something more—something that could handle a growing nonprofit's demands without the headache of managing multiple sites. What followed was a journey of discovery and innovation, leading to not just a streamlined digital presence but a revitalized way to engage their community.

The Problem: Too Many Sites, Not Enough Time

The issue was straightforward. Friends of Peterson had two event websites and was looking at adding a third for their main nonprofit activities. This meant more updates, more maintenance, and more time—resources that are always in short supply in the nonprofit world. They needed a way to bring everything together without sacrificing the unique identity of each event or overwhelming their team. 

One challenge encountered was the cumbersome management of static pages on Squarespace, akin to working with a printed brochure where every section was fixed. Adding anything new meant reshuffling the entire layout, similar to reprinting the brochure for every single change. This led to a domino effect of adjustments across the board. Such rigidity turned what should have been simple updates into a cumbersome task, lacking the fluidity of an online catalog where items can be easily added or rearranged.

A Turn Towards Flexibility

Recognizing these challenges, the decision was made to move away from the closed system of Squarespace to the more open, customizable world of Content Management Systems (CMS) like Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress. These platforms offered the flexibility and control they desperately needed. With a database-driven approach, Friends of Peterson could easily categorize elements such as vendors or activities into groups, making updates and additions a breeze. This shift not only saved time but also improved the user experience, making information more accessible and easier to navigate for their audience.

Practical Innovations

Before and after demonstration of unified digital presence: from three separate back-ends for individual websites to a single CMS with distinct designs for each event.

With the move to a CMS platform, several practical improvements were introduced to meet their specific needs:

Dynamic Event Phases:

A feature was implemented that allows event pages to automatically switch between 'dormant' and 'active' phases. This ensures visitors always find current information, reflecting the seasonal nature of Friends of Peterson's events, without constant manual updates.

Automated Content Updates:

By using 'variable' placeholders, the process of updating event information across the website was simplified. A single change in the backend now updates details everywhere, significantly reducing the time spent on routine updates.

Unified Digital Presence:

Consolidating their sites under one CMS didn't just simplify backend management; it created a cohesive online space. This unified approach respects the unique identity of each event while making navigation and engagement more intuitive for visitors.

User Experience Enhancements and Simplified Maintenance:

The CMS facilitated standard yet impactful enhancements like streamlined content updates and improved social media integration. Additionally, managing the website's backend became more straightforward, enhancing site reliability and efficiency.

These enhancements, powered by a unified CMS, set the stage for a richer, more connected community engagement, anticipating a significant boost in Friends of Peterson’s online presence.

Looking Ahead

This initiative marks the beginning of a new chapter for Friends of Peterson, not just a solution to past challenges. The shift to a CMS platform opens up a world of possibilities for deeper community connections and more robust fundraising efforts, promising a vibrant future.

The Takeaway

Transitioning to a cohesive CMS platform has empowered Friends of Peterson to simplify their digital operations and enhance their service to the community. This journey underscores the power of creative solutions and the right technological tools in transforming nonprofit digital management.

There’s a way to do it better. Find it.
Thomas Edison (allegedly)

Bringing Friends of Peterson's digital vision to life was an enriching journey. How has your organization tackled digital challenges? Share your stories and let's learn from each other. If your organization is navigating the complexities of the digital world, I'm here to guide you. With a knack for crafting tailored, tech-forward solutions, I can help streamline your online presence and empower your mission.

(blogpost ending tag) ... and there you have it - Peace, AZ (vulcan salute)

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This article serves as a supplement to the Peterson,MN Case Study.
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