Nulla Dies Sine Linea: Revamping My Digital Footprint

There's a Latin phrase I hold dear: "Nulla dies sine linea," meaning "no day without a line." It's a reminder from the ancient Greek painter Apelles to constantly hone your craft. As someone who preaches the power of good design, brand identity, and communication, I felt it was time to "walk the talk" and give my own website the TLC it deserved.

Walking the Talk

In the world of brand identity and web design, it's easy to preach the importance of good design, but the real challenge lies in exemplifying it. For my website, this meant showcasing the very principles I advocate for: concept clarity, effective use of color, and the integration of lightweight motion graphics.

I approached the redesign with my trademarked tagline: Listen. Think. Create. Repeat™. This iterative process began with collecting ideas, notes, and sketches, laying them out on my trusty whiteboard and digital mind mapping tool. The goal was to create a seamless user experience where each service (brand identity, web design, creative content, and strategic growth) had a distinct visual identity through subtle yet impactful animations.

Additionally, each service was expanded into its own dedicated page, offering detailed explanations of its importance, benefits, and how missing out on these services could hinder potential growth. This approach provides potential clients with a deeper understanding of the value I bring to the table and how my services can elevate their brand.

The Psychology of Design

Color and movement play pivotal roles in user experience. By assigning distinct color schemes and animations to each service, I crafted a visually intuitive interface. The use of Lottie animations brought these elements to life, ensuring each service card was both informative and engaging.

Beyond Design: Creating a Customer-Centric Experience

A visually appealing website is only part of the equation; engaging potential customers is the next critical step. While SEO and promotion hold value, automation and seamless user experience are key to conversion success. The days of manually tracking customer interactions are long gone. With advanced and fairly affordable CRM tools, automating workflows ensures a smooth transition from browsing to collaboration.

Consider the evolution of payment systems: from calculating change manually to automated digital transactions. Similarly, a website integrated with CRM becomes an essential part of business operations rather than a standalone entity.

This setup allows for real-time tracking of customer interactions, streamlines the conversion process, and enhances the overall user experience. Automated emails, personalized follow-ups, and data-driven insights make it easier to connect with potential clients and guide them smoothly through the sales funnel.

The Referral Revolution: A Cycle of Support and Benefit

But even this wasn’t enough in my mission to foster creativity, collaboration, and community impact. This led me to devise the Referral Revolution Program, a referral system with a twist.

The program is designed to be a win-win for everyone involved. Referred individuals receive discounts on top-notch services, while referrers earn commissions or have the option to donate to a charity. It's a creative cycle of support and benefit that reflects my mission of fostering community impact.

Connecting to Causes

Philanthropy is a core component of the Referral Revolution. Participants can choose to support nonprofits focused on brain health and cognitive well-being, causes that are close to my heart. By joining the program and opting for donation, participants can contribute to these vital organizations, turning every referral into a force for good.

Featured Non-Profits

Discover the organizations I'm proud to support. Your participation in our Referral Revolution Program directly impacts these amazing causes.

Dedicated to preserving the beauty and community spirit of Peterson, Minnesota.

Raising awareness and enhancing the quality of life for all people affected by brain injury.

Commonweal Theatre Company logo

Exploring the human experience through powerful actor-based storytelling.

Tools of the Trade

For those interested in the technical aspects, here's a glimpse into my toolbox:

Mindmap Symbol Icon

Mind Mapping Tools

for journey mapping and strategy development.

Atlassian Confluence Logo

Atlassian Confluence

for content editing and repository management.

Adobe After Effects Logo

Adobe After Effects

and Lottie/Bodymovin plugins for animations.

Adobe Premiere Pro Logo

Adobe Premiere Pro

for video post-production.

Apple Logo

iPhone 14 Pro

for capturing footage.

Teleprompter apps

for script delivery.

OpenAI Logo

AI tools

Google Gemini and ChatGPT for insights.

Joomla Logo


for website backend management.

HubSpot Logo

HubSpot and Make

for CRM and automation.

Quote - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

This website refresh was a journey of self-reflection and putting my expertise into practice. "The cobbler's children go barefoot" might be a popular Spanish proverb, but it's one that I strive to defy. Remember, no day without a line, and no project without a purpose. So, here's to drawing lines, making strides, and revolutionizing referrals—one creative step at a time.

(blogpost ending tag) ... and there you have it - Peace, AZ (vulcan salute)

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